Nevada Division of State Lands

To uphold Nevada’s conservation values through land stewardship, environmental improvement, and responsible land-use planning.

Would you like to use State land for recreational or commercial purposes? Do you represent another State agency and need a Certification or have a question about State land that your agency manages? Click below for additional information.

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Authorizations & Permitting

State Land Use Planning services include technical assistance, stakeholder coordination, and facilitation of a broad spectrum of State, federal, and local land use and natural resource issues.

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Land Use Planning

Resource programs have been developed to manage our state’s unique and sensitive habitats. Through these programs we implement and monitor environmental restoration and protection as well as collaborate and cooperate with many state, federal, local and private partners.

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Resource Programs

State Lands oversees a diverse range of programs to support Nevada’s natural resources. With 19 employees, we strive to provide excellent statewide service to our broad range of customers.

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State Lands Stats


State Lands Stats


Tahoe License Plates

As a Lake Tahoe License Plate owner you can help fund projects that will restore and preserve the natural environment of the Lake Tahoe Basin. As of December 31, 2024, there were 34,000 Lake Tahoe license plates on our roadways. Thank you for helping us preserve the beauty of the Lake Tahoe Basin! These are the highest amounts since inception of the program 20 years ago. Purchase your Lake Tahoe license plate for $61 the first year and $30 each continuing year through the Nevada DMV.

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Sovereign Lands

Upon statehood in 1864, title to the bed and banks of navigable water bodies passed from the federal government to the new state. It’s important to note that there are currently a limited number of sovereign lands that the state claims; not all of Nevada’s lakes and rivers are considered state owned.

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Our agency holds title and land interests, such as easements and water rights, on behalf of the state. These acres represent less than 1% of the total land area of Nevada. We acquire land needed for state use, whether it’s land for a new DMV, a veteran’s facility or a state park. Once acquired, we assign the day-to-day management of these lands to other state agencies. Whether you are a state agency employee or a member of the public, we are here to help answer any questions you may have about state lands.

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Introduction/State Lands Overview

State Lands provides the expertise to acquire and hold lands for the State of Nevada. But we don’t simply hold titles; we collaborate with private businesses, citizens, federal- and state-based agencies to effectively and responsibly use the resources our state has to offer. Above all, we believe in public service and the importance of being thoughtful and responsible with our Nevada landscape.

News, Public Notices and Meetings