Land Use Planning
Land Use Planning
State Land Use Planning Agency
The State Land Use Planning Agency (SLUPA) develops and distributes planning information to local governments and other agencies and represents the state on a wide variety of federal land management activities. In some cases, these activities are coordinated with the governor's office.
State Land Use Planning Advisory Council
The State Land Use Planning Advisory Council (SLUPAC -NRS 321.740) is the only Governor-appointed council that has a county commissioner representative from each of Nevada’s seventeen counties as well as the Nevada Association of Counties (NACO). SLUPAC advises the Administrator of the Division of State lands on the development and distribution to cities and counties of information useful to land use and natural resources planning and advises the State Land Use Planning Agency regarding the development of plans and statements of policy. These activities are closely coordinated with the Governor’s Office.
Nevada State Clearinghouse
Authorized by gubernatorial executive order in 1989, the Nevada State Clearinghouse, within the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, informs Executive Branch agencies of significant federal projects and policy initiatives that affect our state. The Clearinghouse has Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with Federal agencies to ensure that the consultation requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) are met.
Visit the Nevada State Clearinghouse website

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State Land Use Planning services include technical assistance, stakeholder coordination, and facilitation of a broad spectrum of State, federal, and local land use and natural resource issues.
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Resource programs have been developed to manage our state’s unique and sensitive habitats. Through these programs we implement and monitor environmental restoration and protection as well as collaborate and cooperate with many state, federal, local and private partners.
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State Lands oversees a diverse range of programs to support Nevada’s natural resources. With 19 employees, we strive to provide excellent statewide service to our broad range of customers.
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