Authorizations and Permitting
Authorizations and Permitting
Due to staff vacancies, application processing times are taking longer than expected. Please help us expedite processing times by submitting complete and accurate applications.
Interested in a Permit in the Lake Tahoe Basin? Visit our new Tahoe Permitting Page!
How can we help you use State land?
State Lands authorizes the occupation of state land for both short and long term use. We have a variety of authorizations including easements, leases, licenses and permits to cover every type of use from residential to commercial and can assist with filling out any of our applications. If you have questions about our applications please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Project applications account for around 50% of the State Land Office workload. In excess of 300 projects are processed annually. In order for staff to efficiently process all of these applications, they must be filled out completely and accurately. Incomplete applications will be returned and the project may be closed if additional information is not received. It assists us greatly to receive a properly filled out application and can also reduce the processing time.
Please note that per NRS 322, State Lands is required to collect an application fee and may assess an annual use fee for any type of authorization that is issued.
*A permit issued by the Division of State Lands does not relieve the Permittee from acquiring all local, regional, state, and federal permits and approvals as required by law. The activity that you are applying for (ie buoy deployment, pier modification, dredging, etc) is not authorized and made legal until you have acquired all local, regional, state, and federal permits and approvals. Failure to do so will constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of the permit and the permit may be revoked.
Mail to our office or Drop off completed applications between the hours of
Application Fees are Non-Refundable! Credit cards are not accepted.
Use of State Owned Land - Submit this application if you would like an authorization to use state land for purposes such as overhead or underground utilities, a roadway, or a communication site. If you are planning a temporary construction project across state land this application would be appropriate.
Use of State Owned Submerged Lands - SOVEREIGN LANDS BESIDES LAKE TAHOE - Submit this application if your project will use land below the ordinary high water mark of the Truckee River, Washoe Lake, Carson River, Colorado River, Virgin River, or Walker Lake. This application should also be used if your project crosses over or under these waterbodies, for construction projects, or dredging within these waterbodies.
Use of State Owned Submerged Lands for Agriculture or Conservation - SOVEREIGN LANDS BESIDES LAKE TAHOE - Submit this application if your project is for agriculture or conservation activities below the ordinary high water mark of the Truckee River, Washoe Lake, Carson River, Colorado River, Virgin River, or Walker Lake.
Please review the State Sovereign Lands Permitting Process- River Projects Emphasis for a better undertanding of the permit process.
Certification Request Form(Docusign) (PDF) - This form is required pursuant to NRS 321.003: “Before a state agency erects a building or makes any other permanent improvement on land assigned to it, the agency shall notify the State Land Registrar, in a form prescribed by the State Land Registrar, and shall not proceed with the construction or improvement until the State Land Registrar certifies the nature of and any encumbrances against the State’s title to the land, and certifies that the boundaries of the land assigned include the site of the proposed construction or improvement."
Large File Upload Instructions - please use our FTP site for large documents.
Looking for Land Coverage application? Please click here to go to our Nevada Land Bank Page!

Would you like to use State land for recreational or commercial purposes? Do you represent another State agency and need a Certification or have a question about State land that your agency manages? Click below for additional information.
Learn MoreAuthorizations & Permitting

State Land Use Planning services include technical assistance, stakeholder coordination, and facilitation of a broad spectrum of State, federal, and local land use and natural resource issues.
Learn MoreLand Use Planning

Resource programs have been developed to manage our state’s unique and sensitive habitats. Through these programs we implement and monitor environmental restoration and protection as well as collaborate and cooperate with many state, federal, local and private partners.
Learn MoreResource Programs

State Lands oversees a diverse range of programs to support Nevada’s natural resources. With 19 employees, we strive to provide excellent statewide service to our broad range of customers.
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